- Interfaces hombre-máquina al servicio de la rehabilitación.
Chairs: José Ma. Azorín y Carolina Tabernig.
Key Speaker: José Contreras.
Jose ‘Pepe’ Contreras-Vidal, PhD (Fellow IEEE, Fellow AIMBE) is Cullen Distinguished Professor and Director of the NSF Research Center for Building Reliable Advances and Innovations in Neurotechnology (IUCRC BRAIN) at the University of Houston. He pioneered noninvasive brain-machine interfaces to exoskeletons and prosthetics to restore motor function in individuals with disabilities. His work at the nexus of art and science is opening new windows to study the neural basis of human creativity in children and adults while informing neural interfaces. He edited the Springer book Mobile Brain-Body Imaging and the Neuroscience of Art, Innovation and Creativity. His research has appeared in The Economist, Nature, Der Spiegel, and Wall Street Journal among others.
- Sistemas robóticos para entrenamiento y/o compensación.
Chairs: Teodiano Freire y Anselmo Frizera.
a. Key Speaker: Eduardo Rocon. - Ambientes Inteligentes, Realidad Virtual y Telerrehabilitación.
Chair: Rodrigo Cubillos.
Key Speaker: - Neurociencia e ingeniería.
Chair: Juan Camilo Moreno y Juan Gallego.
a. Key Speaker: Juan Gallego. - Instrumentación y valoración objetiva.
Chairs: Diego Torricelli y Ana Rita Londral
a. Key Speaker: - Servicios alternativos y modernos de rehabilitación: Tecnologías, Innovación y Gestión.
Chairs: Asterio Andrade y José L. Pons.
a. Key Speaker: